Call us: +255 (0)713 276 745
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About Coastal Supplies and Services Ltd.

Coastal Supplies and Services Ltd., Headquarters Located in Dar es Salaam, which is one of the largest, busiest and most advanced ports in the East Africa. We provide literally anything that is needed aboard a vessel, for both ocean-going and inland shipping.

We offer our services in all Tanzanian Ports, namely Dar es Salaam, Mtwara, Tanga, Bagamoyo, Kilwa and Songosongo. We also extend our serving arm up to neighboring country of Kenya at Mombasa Port. Timing, accuracy and speed are essential within this process of vessels supplies and services. 

Consequently, Coastal Supplies and Services Ltd., ensures What our customers require must not only be in stock, it must also be delivered at the agreed time, at the correct location and inclusive of any required assistance and appropriate documentation. We consider the ‘one-stop’ element in one-stop shopping to be the most important of the entire process. 

Coastal Supplies and Services Ltd. is a maritime Supplies and services Company specializing in the provision of general ship supplies, stores, spare parts and leading technical maritime brands through its extensive network of East and Southern African ports. For a reasonable period, Coastal Supplies and services has striven to be a trusted partner to our customers. 

Coastal Supplies and Services Ltd. is the ideal provider of a one stop source for an extensive range of dry and frozen foodstuff and technical stores for ships, container, general cargo, and oil tankers. We provide all stores to ships at Dar es Salaam, Tanga, Mtwara, Bagamoyo, Kilwa and Songosongo Ports. Coastal Supplies and Services Ltd have a diverse employee’s base to provide efficient, effective and worry free services for all of our customers, fulfilling their precise business needs.

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